日期:2013-08-20 19:27
美国好莱坞。“叶小姐,您好,这是此次活动专门为您定制的酒店住所,您还满意吗?”服务员小姐用不是非常标准的汉语说道。“I can speak English。”叶冰灵说道。“Thank you for our cooperation. What why call reception. I wish you in here every day happy, happy. thank you。”服务员小姐微笑着说。“Ok, no problem, thank you.”叶冰灵说道,刚准备关门,就被一只手挡住。“Have time to have dinner with me? ”高北铭说道。“怎么是你?”叶冰灵问道。“好莱坞不止你可以来。”高北铭笑着说。“我很意外。”叶冰灵淡定说道。“你的英语很好。”高北铭夸奖道。“Of course, I since the childhood dream is when you can stand on the stage, by the myriad of stars, my goal is that the stars of Hollywood. But I know, there is no English fluently, you will not be able to become a real star, so young, I will practice English, simple English is like Chinese, my mother tongue, I will also Japanese and Chinese, French is good also, you know what will be the language of eight is my real goal, and that, I think it`s a star should be the necessary skills。”叶冰灵说道。“You`re terrific 。”高北铭夸奖道。“